01722 744822

We do not receive any Government funding and we aim to keep our charges to a minimum to make our equine therapy as widely available as possible, through our team of dedicated volunteers, donations and fund-raising. We need your help to raise funds for our centre so that we can provide activities and experiences to help more people improve their health and well being.
Support us
If you would like to make a donation, use the Donate button which will take you to our Just Giving page. Every penny counts, thank you!
You can also donate via BACs.
Wilton Riding School for the Disabled Association.
Sort Code: 40-43-03
Account Number: 52251590

How your donations are spent
Thank you for your donations, we simply cannot run the Pembroke Centre without you. Your donations go towards the cost of keeping our ponies and maintaining The Pembroke Centre to ensure we can continue to offer our services to the community, riders and volunteers. Just a few examples of how much it costs to look after our ponies:
Hay - £5 per bale
Keeping ponies feet in good order with a new pair of shoes - £55
Feeding a pony for a month - £75
Upkeep per pony per month- £170
Your help, whether pound or pence, it all adds up to help our charity provide life changing experiences through horses. If you would like to support The Pembroke Centre then why not take on a sponsored challenge, host a coffee morning, a raffle or organise a fun event? Let your imagination go wild!
200 Club - You could win!
You can benefit The Pembroke Centre by joining the 200 Club. For only £5 per month with full membership each month the following prizes are drawn: First prize £250. Second prize £150. Third prize £100.
For further information and full terms and conditions please contact Chris Clack at:
Adopt a pony
You can adopt a pony for £25 a year or sponsor one for £400. This can be for you or it makes the perfect present! For more information on how to adopt a pony please contact us at:
A legacy
A gift to The Pembroke Centre in memory of a loved one in a will or as a donation will leave a lasting legacy that will bring joy.
Other ideas
Have you got a brilliant idea? Please contact us using the link below:

Hire the centre