01722 744822

Our focus involves catering to individuals with diverse needs, such as children and adults facing physical and learning disabilities, autism, and dementia. We offer various forms of horse therapy, including yoga and hippotherapy, aimed at enhancing posture, movement patterns, strength, and balance.
In our welcoming community, filled with smiles and laughter, we aim to create a supportive environment for all. If you're interested in joining us, please reach out via email at: For personalised discussions about your specific needs, feel free to contact our friendly team. We're excited to potentially welcome you into The Pembroke Centre family soon.
What we do
Riding lessons
Our instructors are fully qualified and experienced with riders of all abilities. We can accommodate riders according to their specific needs in a safe environment. We cater for riders, both children and adults, with physical disabilities or learning difficulties. We accept GP referrals and some children with an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan). Please contact us for further information and a rider application form.
The centre is closed for riding activities during school holidays, if you submit a form during the holiday periods you will hear back from the team when they return to the office at the start of the new term
Tea with a pony
Are you caring for, or living with some with dementia Tea With a Pony is an experience for whom horse-riding may not be suitable but, who might be helped by some other form of animal-assisted activity involving horses. You have an opportunity to interact with the ponies and then enjoy a cup of tea and cake to revisit memories, and make new experiences. These sessions enable an inclusive feel to all those who could benefit, including family members.
Equine assisted learning
Equine Assisted Learning offers the opportunity to spend quality time with horses in ways other than riding. These sessions aim to give you the space you need to experience and develop a relationship with a horse more fully. The experience may contribute to enhanced wellbeing or a sense of personal discovery. Is has been used a complementary therapy for mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
Equine Assisted Learning ranges from intimate time with the horses through touching, sensing, and feeling to more practical engagement in horse care such as grooming.


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